引用自limaolin4321 發(fā)表于 2009-9-17 18:56的內容
Urease inhibitors. Greater than 50% of ammonia in livestock slurries originates from urea hydrolysis (Van Horn et al., 1996). Thus, successfully nhibiting this process will potentially conserve nitrogen in waste. Studies have been conducted in the rumen to determine the effectiveness of various urease inhibitors (Ludden et al., 2000; Whitelaw et al., 1991; Jones and Mulligan, 1975). These results suggest that short-term inhibition in the rumen is possible, but the ruminal microflora appear to adapt to the inhibition and some of the inhibitors are absorbed by the rumen, which limit their practical use in improving utilization of dietary urea (Ludden et al., 2000; Whitelaw et al., 1991).
http://www.fass.org/fass01/pdfs/Varel.pdf |