It is only recently that enzymes have been used in animal nutrition, predominantly for mono-gastract animals, such as pigs and poultry. When adiministered through the feed, enzymes generally catalyse, in the gaatrointestial tract, chemical reactions which lead to degradation of the feed ingredients. The name of an enzyme generally consists of the name of the substrate which is cleaved under the influence of the enzyme,the ending "-ase" being added.
Enzymes and enzyme complexes which are obtained by fermentation are primarily used for the following purpose:
- increasing the availability/convertibility of feed ingredients(e.g. phytase for cleaving phytate, amylase for cleaving amylose)
- degrading or destroying antinutritive substances (e.g. degradation of B-glucans in barely by the use of B-glucanase)
- supplementing/supporting endogenous enzymes (e.g. proteases in young animals with an incompletely formed enzyme pattern) |