Bovine Herpes Mammillitis (Ulcerative mammillitis)
德洪特博士供稿Prepared by: Dr. Terry Hunt
Translated by: Maria Mai
Cause & Pathogenesis
- 牛皰疹病毒 Bovine Herpes virus 2
- 家畜皮膚感染性疾病 Contagious skin disease of cattle
- 乳頭皮膚嚴重潰瘍 Severe ulceration of teat skin
- 發(fā)病率高但不會造成死亡High morbidity but no mortality
- 可產(chǎn)生免疫性 Develop immunity
Risk Factors- 外來帶病牛 Introduced carrier cows
- 昆蟲 Insects
Clinical Findings·
潛伏期:5 –10天
Incubation period of 5-10 days ·
Starts in freshly calved cows then spreads through herd
- 初產(chǎn)牛發(fā)病最嚴重 Most severe in fresh cows
- 急性、乳頭腫脹、觸痛 Acute, swollen tender teats
- 最初由水皰導致脫皮,進而形成嚴重潰瘍
Vesicles formed then slough and form severe ulcers
Forms dark brown or black scabs that may crack
- 會感染乳頭管 May involve the teat canal
- 造成減產(chǎn) Decreased milk production
- 增加乳房炎發(fā)病率 Increased incidence of mastitis
- 約3-4個月可痊愈 May take 3-4 months to heal
Diagnosis- 有過病史和臨床癥狀 History and clinical signs