The feeding and management practices of six Wisconsin high-producing freestall-parlor
dairy herds were surveyed during the winter of 2004. The number of milking cows ranged from
276 to 566 and RHA milk ranged from 29,055 to 31,195 across herds. Milking frequency was
4x for one herd, 4x and 3x for one herd, and 3x for four herds. Four of the six herds used sand
bedding. Bunk space and stall stocking density for high-production groups ranged 1.2 to 2.1 ft.
per cow and 100% to 122% across herds. All herds maintained two dry cow groups, but half of
the herds fed only one dry cow diet. All herds fed total mixed rations. Across herds, forage in
diets for high-production groups ranged from 45% to 53% (DM basis) and was comprised of
41% to 68% corn silage (DM basis). Whole cottonseed was fed in all herds, while high-moisture
shelled corn was fed solely in three herds, dry shelled corn solely in two herds, and a mixture in
one herd. Dietary CP and P formulations for high-production groups ranged from 17.0% to
18.5% and 0.37% to 0.41% (DM basis), respectively, across herds. Analysis of High Group
TMR samples for CP and P ranged from 16.7% to 18.4% and 0.35% to 0.44% (DM basis),
respectively, across herds. Estimated average feed efficiency (bulk-tank milk/feed) and feed cost
per cwt. bulk-tank milk ranged from 1.57 to 1.70 and $4.01 to $4.50, respectively, across herds. |